
Monday, May 9, 2011

Keep this Weather coming!

I hope all mothers had a wonderful weekend.  The weather held up nicely!  The end of the year is coming! 

If you are interested in your child coming to summer school please go to the Poupard website and click on Summer Learning Program under quick links.  I will be teaching Math for 2-4 grade students.

The Tin Can Auction will be this Friday May 13th.  Check out the really interesting things that you can bid on!  It all goes to the PTO.  A big thank you to the PTO for all of the hard work raising money for our school.

I wanted to mention the amazing behavior our classroom had today!  We worked hard on our animal reports adding the physical description to our final draft.  This week we are going to finish the report.

In math, we are coming to an end.  We had our unit 11 math test today!   Unit 12 is the last unit and is a review of what we have been leaving all year long.

We have started to loud and noisy science unit of sound and light.

Just a reminder of some things:
  • Field day is Thursday May 26th in the afternoon - we still need many volunteers!
  • Our field trip to Greenfield Village is Thursday June 9th - we will need many volunteers to transport the students
  • 2nd grade Picnic is Monday June 13th!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Very Busy Week!

Good afternoon!  We will be having a crazy week.  Today we finished our Earth Week unit.  We shared ideas about how we could start making the earth a cleaner place and how to conserve energy.  Our final project was a map of the world with five ways that anyone can help make the earth a cleaner and better place. 

We will be starting our new Science unit on Sound and Light.  It will be a noisy and fun unit that I know the class will enjoy!

We have started to really get into multiplication and the we are starting to test our multiplication facts.  Remember there is a letter to the parents in the beginning of every unit and in this portion it will give you terms and other helpful information.  As always if you or your child need a better understanding please let me know!  Tomorrow we will also start division.

Our animal reports are  coming along great.  We are almost done with our rough draft.  We will be writing our last portion of the report, where the animal lives.  We will be putting all of these different parts together to make a final report.

As the beautiful weather continues, remember to play outside, but don't forget about any homework that is not finished yet!